Mission @Nordic Energy "Training" Hub

Deep dive into offshore wind and grid. Synergy of theory and practice. Experience and know-how from numerous projects.

In our training courses you can expect a detailed transfer of knowledge on relevant and current topics from our experts in the respective seminar focus in offshore wind and grids. The extensive experience of our speakers in their speciality areas ensures that you have access to proven methodologies, giving you a way of precisely analysing structures and abstracting complicated facts to an understandable level.
In addition our In-house training courses go into detail about the proven methods used in your company and are tailored to your individual needs.


We give you a comprehensive overview of the entire subject area from the perspective of an industry expert in the offshore wind sector

We compare different concepts (e.g. contracts) and look at the different possible applications and risk profiles

Best Practice
Based on case studies, we will convey the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions to you and discuss these with you and an industry expert

In addition to providing solid basic knowledge in a specialised area, various options are developed in sparring with an industry expert on the basis of case studies


Basics of Contract Management
Complex issues require strategic contract management. We provide you with an overview of the various areas of work and successful strategies for offshore wind projects.


Basics of Claim Management
We provide you with an overview of the very different forms of claim management, the typical applications in offshore wind and promising solutions.

Best Practice Claim Management
You will learn about proven systems of claim management with a clear practical focus from our industry experts and acquire pecialized knowledge in dealing with claims from our offshore wind experts.

Best Practice EPCI & Multicontracting Strategy
You will gain industry-specific knowledge about engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) in offshore plant construction from an expert with international practical experience.

Introduction to T&I contracts
You will get an overview of the standard contracts for transport and installation (T&I) of offshore structures from speakers with years of project experience in this specialised field.

Introduction to standard contracts in Offshore Wind 
Get an overview of the standard contracts in the offshore wind sector, from the development of contracts and common contract models to the typical legal issues that arise.

Basics Risk Management
We will give you an overview of the various risk management processes, how to identify risks at an early stage and how to take preventive action to ensure a successful offshore wind project.

Coming soon ...

Coming soon ...

Next dates

In future you will find dates for public training courses here. The first public training courses will take place at the beginning of 2025.

For In-house training courses, please contact us individually via the request form.

Contact us

Überseering 4
22297 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 63 707 300
E-Mail: office@nordicenergyhub.com
Web: www.nordicenergyhub.de